This week was very busy. On Tuesday evening(10:30p) Nikki called, she said Scotty was in the ER. They were giving him nitro glycerin. Apparently they thought he was in the process of having a heart attack. He had all the "classic" symptoms of one, chest pain, hard to breathe, high blood pressure,tingling in his hands, plus he was shaking all over. BUT he had been sick for the last week and a half. Cough, fever the whole bit. They admitted him and did
tons of tests, including a heart biopsy, CT scan, blood work. Didn't find anything, except he does have pneumonia. They were considering putting in a PIC line to send him home with IV antibiotics. They were having trouble finding an oral medication that would kill the "bugs". I really did not want this to happen(just another place for infection). But he came home yesterday with oral meds! An answer to prayer for sure. Now to say we were happy that it was pneumonia seems kind of funny but the alternative, well we're just not having that. When we were on our way to the hospital I was kind of surprised I wasn't afraid. I was nervous, but I guess that's normal. I went back in my mind to the scripture the Lord gave me way back in 2003, John 4:50 (Amplified Bible)
"Jesus answered him, Go in peace; your son will live! And the man put his trust in what Jesus said and started home."
I still believe it! This time "go in peace" stuck out. Thank you Lord, for peace. This verse is so big in me, so real, I can hear Jesus say it. It's mine.