O.K. I dressed up for Halloween! It was fun. For weeks we have been discussing costumes. At first the boys wanted to be commandos. Now, I didn't really have a problem with it except that they wanted to carry air soft guns. And I was pretty sure our neighbors wouldn't care for that. As it turned out, they didn't go to even one of our neighbors homes. We ended up in Fridley where the Browns live. But back to the planning phase... My suggestion was, be a band. I knew they would all want to be together anyway, and they all already have the "look". But of course they went extreme, KISS. With a little help from my dear friend Elizabeth, we did a shopping trip to "Savers" and found shoes, clothing and wigs, then we did some alterations of the clothing. It finally all came together last night. And I think it all came together quite well. They got some nice comments on their outfits, had they gone to a party, they would have won. I pretty sure it will be their last year going house to house.
Elizabeth and I were pirate wenches, as last minute costumes. The weather turned out a bit chilly, but the kids were fine without coats, though I needed one.
All in all we had a great time!

Oh and here is Evan and Ginny and Liberty. I was at their house early in the day, babysitting, so I had to have a picture. Aren't they cute!( It's from my cell phone, so it's not that great, sorry)
You've been tagged:) Come and see.
Hahaha, that's something else. ^^ Brought a smile to my face though, that's for sure.
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